Friday, May 15, 2020

Cell Phone Cloning - 3071 Words

CELL PHONE CLONING Abstract You might have read news of the cloning of sheep or cattle with amused interest. But how would you feel if somebody `cloned your mobile phone? Technology is finally rearing up its dark side. Along with the proliferation of technological innovations, this era also marks the birth of the new-age IT criminals in a big way, with the latest technology fraud being cell phone cloning. Cell phone cloning is a technique wherein security data from one cell phone is transferred into another phone. The other cell phone becomes the exact replica of the original cell phone like a clone. As a result, while calls can be made from both phones, only the original is billed. Though communication channels are†¦show more content†¦The other cell phone becomes the exact replica of the original cell phone like a clone. As a result, while calls can be made from both phones, only the original is billed. Cloning occurs most frequently in areas of high cell phone usage -- valet parking lots, airports, shopping malls, concert halls, sports stadiums, and high-congestion traffic areas in metropolitan cities. [pic] Figure 1. Cellular phone cloning 5. Loop holes in Cell phone Networks †¢ ESN/MIN data is NOT encrypted on the way to the MSC (Mobile Switching Centre) for further authentication. Thus, scanning the airwaves for this data if you wish to clone a phone. By changing ESN and MIN, the cellular carrier will accept the call and bill it to either a wrong account or provide service based on the fact that it is NOT a disconnected receiver. It will also look at the other two components, in order to insure that it is actually a cellular phone and to forward billing information to that carrier. †¢ The Station Class Mark can also be changed if you wish to prevent the cellular carrier from determining the type of phone that is placing the call. By providing the cellular tower with a false SCM, the cellular carrier, the FCC, or whoever happens to chase down cellular fraud is often looking for a particular phone which in reality is not the phone they are looking for. †¢ The Number Assignment Module (NAM) also hasShow MoreRelatedMobile Phone Cloning1069 Words   |  5 PagesMOBILE PHONE CLONING WHAT IS CELL PHONE CLONING?   Ã‚  Ã‚     Cell phone cloning is copying the identity of one mobile telephone to another mobile telephone.  Usually this is done for the purpose of making fraudulent telephone calls. The bills for the calls go to the legitimate subscriber. The cloner is also able to make effectively anonymous calls, which attracts another group of interested users.   Cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobileRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1632 Words   |  7 Pagesabout most, questioning whether they are a good thing or bad. 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